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Bench Dog Planes: The Perfect Woodworking Tool for Smooth and Accurate Results

Bench Dog Planes: The Perfect Woodworking Tool for Smooth and Accurate Results

Bench Dog planes are essential tools for woodworkers, designed to provide precision and control when smoothing and shaping wood surfaces.

Bench dog planes are the unsung heroes of woodworking. These tools have been used for centuries to shape and smooth wood, yet somehow they remain a mystery to many modern woodworkers. But if you're serious about your craft, you need to know about bench dog planes.

First things first: what is a bench dog plane? Essentially, it's a hand-held tool that's designed to remove thin shavings of wood from a surface. The blade is held at a slight angle to the wood, and as you push the plane forward, it slices off a layer of wood. With each pass, you can take off a little more wood until you've reached the desired level of smoothness.

So why use a bench dog plane instead of sandpaper or an electric sander? There are a few reasons. First, a plane can remove wood more quickly and efficiently than sandpaper. It's also more precise - you can take off just a tiny amount of wood with each pass, so you have more control over the final result. And finally, using a plane can give you a deeper appreciation for the wood you're working with. As you plane away the rough patches, you'll start to see the natural beauty of the grain emerge.

There are a few different types of bench dog planes, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common type is the smoothing plane, which is designed for finishing work. It has a short blade and a low angle, which allows it to take very thin shavings. If you're looking for a tool that will give you a glassy-smooth finish, this is the plane for you.

Another type of bench dog plane is the jack plane. This one has a longer blade and a higher angle, which makes it better for removing larger amounts of wood. It's great for rough shaping and leveling, and it can be used on both long and short boards.

Then there's the jointer plane. This one is designed for flattening long boards or panels. It has a longer sole (the part of the plane that rests on the wood) than other planes, which allows it to follow the contours of the board more accurately. It's also heavier than other planes, which can help you apply more pressure when needed.

Of course, no matter what type of bench dog plane you choose, it's important to keep it sharp. A dull blade will tear the wood instead of slicing it cleanly, which can lead to a rough surface and a lot of frustration. But with a little practice and some patience, you'll soon be able to achieve beautiful results with your bench dog plane.

In conclusion, bench dog planes are an essential tool for any serious woodworker. They offer precision, control, and a deeper appreciation for the wood you're working with. Whether you're shaping a small piece of furniture or flattening a large panel, there's a bench dog plane out there that's perfect for the job. So why not give one a try?


Woodworking is an art that requires precision, patience, and the right tools. One of the essential tools for any woodworker is a plane. A plane is a tool used to shape and smooth wood surfaces. There are various types of planes available in the market, but one brand that stands out is Bench Dog. In this article, we will take a closer look at Bench Dog planes and why they are the go-to choice for many woodworkers.

History of Bench Dog

Bench Dog is a brand that has been around for over three decades. The company was founded in 1987 by a group of woodworking enthusiasts who wanted to create high-quality tools for fellow woodworkers. The company's first product was a bench dog, which is a clamp used to hold wood in place while it is being worked on. Over the years, Bench Dog expanded its product line to include other woodworking tools, including planes.

Bench Dog Planes Features

Bench Dog planes are known for their high-quality features. One of the standout features of these planes is their blades. The blades are made of A2 tool steel, which is known for its durability and ability to hold a sharp edge. The blades also have a flatness tolerance of ±0.0005 inches, which ensures that they are perfectly straight and can create flat surfaces on wood.

Adjustable Frog

Another feature that sets Bench Dog planes apart is their adjustable frog. The frog is the part of the plane that holds the blade in place. With Bench Dog planes, the frog can be adjusted to change the size of the mouth opening. This allows woodworkers to adjust the plane for different types of wood and different levels of precision.

Norris-Style Adjuster

Bench Dog planes also come with a Norris-style adjuster. This adjuster allows woodworkers to make fine adjustments to the blade's depth without having to remove the blade from the plane. This saves time and ensures that the blade stays in place while making adjustments.

Bench Dog Planes Product Line

Bench Dog has a wide range of planes available for woodworkers. Their product line includes block planes, jack planes, jointer planes, and smoothing planes. Each plane is designed for a specific task, and they all have the same high-quality features that Bench Dog is known for.

Block Planes

Block planes are small planes that are used for trimming and shaping small pieces of wood. Bench Dog block planes are compact and easy to use, making them perfect for woodworkers of all skill levels.

Jack Planes

Jack planes are larger than block planes and are used for flattening and smoothing large surfaces. Bench Dog jack planes are designed to be comfortable to use, even for extended periods, and provide excellent control and precision.

Jointer Planes

Jointer planes are used for flattening and straightening long boards or panels. Bench Dog jointer planes have long bodies that help ensure even pressure across the entire surface of the board, resulting in a perfectly flat and straight surface.

Smoothing Planes

Smoothing planes are used for creating smooth, finished surfaces on wood. Bench Dog smoothing planes are designed with a low-angle blade that cuts wood cleanly and leaves behind a glass-smooth surface.


Bench Dog planes are an excellent choice for any woodworker who values precision and quality. With their high-quality features and wide range of products, Bench Dog has become a go-to brand for many woodworkers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced woodworker, Bench Dog planes are sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

The History of Bench Dog Planes

When it comes to woodworking, few tools are as essential as the bench dog plane. These versatile planes have been used for centuries to shape and smooth wood, and they continue to be a staple in workshops around the world. But where did bench dog planes come from, and how have they evolved over time?The history of bench dog planes dates back to the early 18th century, when carpenters and woodworkers began using handheld planes to shape and smooth wooden surfaces. These early planes were simple, with a blade attached to a wooden body that was held by hand. As woodworking became more sophisticated, however, so did the planes used in the craft.By the late 1700s, bench planes had become a common tool in woodworking shops. These larger planes were designed to be used while sitting at a workbench, and they often had a dog or stop at the back of the plane that could be used to hold the wood in place while planing. This feature allowed woodworkers to focus on the task at hand without having to worry about the wood moving or shifting.Over the years, bench dog planes continued to evolve, with new features and designs being introduced to improve their performance and versatility. Today, there are countless types of bench dog planes available, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Types of Bench Dog Planes

When it comes to bench dog planes, there are several different types to choose from. Each type is designed for a specific task or type of wood, so it's important to choose the right one for your project. Here are some of the most common types of bench dog planes and what they're best used for:- Jack Plane: The jack plane is a versatile plane that can be used for a variety of tasks, including removing rough material, flattening boards, and smoothing surfaces. It's a great all-purpose plane that every woodworker should have in their toolbox.- Jointer Plane: The jointer plane is designed for flattening and straightening the edges of boards. It's longer and heavier than other types of bench dog planes, which makes it ideal for working on larger pieces of wood.- Smoothing Plane: The smoothing plane is used for creating a smooth surface on wood. It's smaller and lighter than other types of bench dog planes, which makes it easier to control and maneuver. This type of plane is great for finishing work and creating a polished look on your projects.- Block Plane: The block plane is a smaller type of bench dog plane that's used for trimming and shaping small pieces of wood. It's also great for chamfering edges and removing sharp corners.

Choosing the Right Bench Dog Plane

When choosing a bench dog plane, there are several factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting a plane for your specific woodworking needs:- Type of Wood: Consider the type of wood you'll be working with and choose a plane that's appropriate for that type of wood. For example, harder woods like oak will require a heavier plane with a larger blade, while softer woods like pine can be planed with a smaller, lighter plane.- Size of Project: Think about the size of the project you'll be working on and choose a plane that's appropriate for the job. If you'll be working on large pieces of wood, a jointer plane might be necessary. For smaller projects, a smoothing or block plane may be sufficient.- Budget: Bench dog planes can range in price from under $50 to several hundred dollars. Consider your budget when selecting a plane, but keep in mind that investing in a high-quality plane can make a big difference in the quality of your work.

Features of Bench Dog Planes

When purchasing a bench dog plane, there are several features to look for to ensure you're getting a high-quality tool. Here are some important features to consider:- Blade Size: The size of the blade will determine how much material can be removed with each pass. A larger blade will remove more material, but may be more difficult to control.- Weight: The weight of the plane is important for stability and control. A heavier plane may be more stable, but could be more difficult to maneuver.- Grip: The grip should be comfortable and easy to hold. Look for planes with ergonomic grips that will reduce hand fatigue during use.- Adjustability: Some planes are more adjustable than others, which can make a big difference in their performance. Look for planes with adjustable blades and throat openings for greater versatility.

Maintaining Your Bench Dog Planes

To ensure your bench dog plane lasts for years to come, it's important to properly care for it. Here are some tips for maintaining your bench dog plane:- Keep it Clean: After each use, clean the plane with a soft cloth to remove any dust or debris. This will prevent buildup and keep the plane working smoothly.- Sharpen the Blade: A sharp blade is essential for effective planing. Use a sharpening stone to keep the blade sharp and remove any nicks or burrs.- Store Properly: When not in use, store the plane in a dry, cool place to prevent rust and other damage.

Using a Bench Dog Plane

Using a bench dog plane effectively requires practice and patience. Here are some tips and tricks for using a bench dog plane:- Start with Light Pressure: When planing, start with light pressure and gradually increase as needed. This will help prevent tear-out and other damage to the wood.- Use Proper Technique: When planing, use a smooth, fluid motion and keep the blade at a consistent angle. This will help prevent uneven planing and other mistakes.- Take Breaks: Planing can be tiring on the hands and arms, so take breaks as needed to prevent fatigue and ensure accuracy.

Common Problems with Bench Dog Planes

Despite their versatility and durability, bench dog planes can still experience issues from time to time. Here are some common problems that can arise with bench dog planes and how to fix them:- Blade Dullness: If the blade becomes dull, it will be less effective at planing. Sharpen the blade with a sharpening stone to restore its effectiveness.- Misalignment: If the blade is misaligned, it may cause uneven planing or other issues. Adjust the blade and test the plane on a scrap piece of wood to ensure it's working properly.- Rust: If the plane is left in a damp or humid environment, it may develop rust. Use a rust remover or steel wool to remove the rust and restore the plane's effectiveness.

Upgrading Your Bench Dog Plane

If you're looking to upgrade your bench dog plane for even better performance and precision, there are several options available. Here are some ways to upgrade your bench dog plane:- New Blade: Upgrading to a higher-quality blade can improve the plane's effectiveness and precision.- Adjustable Mouth: Adding an adjustable mouth to your plane can increase its versatility and allow for greater control.- Custom Handles: Customizing the handles on your plane can make it more comfortable to use and add a personal touch to your woodworking projects.

Bench Dog Planes vs. Other Tools

While bench dog planes are an essential tool in woodworking, they're not the only option available. Here's a comparison of bench dog planes to other common woodworking tools:- Hand Saws: While hand saws are great for cutting wood, they're not as effective at shaping and smoothing surfaces.- Sanders: Sanders are great for smoothing wood, but they can be less precise than a bench dog plane and may take longer to achieve the desired result.- Power Planes: Power planes are faster and more efficient than bench dog planes, but they may not provide the same level of control and precision.

Expert Advice on Bench Dog Planes

Finally, it's always helpful to hear from professional woodworkers about their experiences using bench dog planes and their top recommendations. Some tips from the pros include:- Invest in Quality: Don't skimp on quality when it comes to bench dog planes. Investing in a high-quality plane will pay off in the long run with better results and greater longevity.- Practice, Practice, Practice: Using a bench dog plane effectively takes practice and patience. Take the time to hone your skills and experiment with different techniques.- Don't Be Afraid to Experiment: Trying new techniques and approaches can lead to surprising and innovative results. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and try something new with your bench dog plane.In conclusion, bench dog planes are an essential tool in any woodworking shop. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, investing in a high-quality bench dog plane and learning how to use it effectively can make a big difference in the quality of your work. With the right tools, technique, and practice, you can achieve amazing results and create beautiful, functional pieces of woodworking art.

Bench Dog Planes: A Woodworker's Best Friend?

The Pros of Bench Dog Planes

For woodworking enthusiasts, a bench dog plane can be an essential tool for achieving a smooth and even surface on a piece of wood. Here are some of the pros of using bench dog planes:

  • Bench dog planes are versatile tools that can be used on a wide range of woodworking projects.
  • They are designed to be highly adjustable, allowing you to fine-tune the blade’s depth and angle for optimal performance.
  • With their sturdy construction and ergonomic design, bench dog planes are comfortable to use and can help reduce fatigue during long periods of woodworking.
  • They can produce a smoother and more uniform surface than sandpaper, making them ideal for finishing pieces that require a high level of precision.

The Cons of Bench Dog Planes

While bench dog planes have many benefits, they also have some drawbacks that you should be aware of before investing in one:

  • Bench dog planes require a certain level of skill and experience to use effectively. If you’re new to woodworking, it may take some time to get the hang of using a bench dog plane properly.
  • They can be more time-consuming to use than other tools, such as sandpaper or a power sander. This is because they require manual effort and careful attention to detail.
  • Depending on the quality and brand of the bench dog plane, they can be quite expensive. This may not be feasible for those who are just starting out in woodworking or have a limited budget.
  • Bench dog planes can be heavy and bulky, making them difficult to transport or store if you have limited workspace.

Table of Information about Bench Dog Planes

For those who are considering investing in a bench dog plane, here is a table of information that may be helpful:

Brand Price Range Blade Material Adjustability Weight
Bailey $50-$150 High-carbon steel Depth, angle, and lateral adjustment 2-6 pounds
Lie-Nielsen $200-$600 A2 or O1 steel Depth, angle, and lateral adjustment 2-8 pounds
Veritas $150-$400 A2 or PM-V11 steel Depth, angle, and lateral adjustment 2-7 pounds

As with any woodworking tool, it’s important to do your research and choose the bench dog plane that best fits your needs and budget. With the right bench dog plane and some practice, you can achieve professional-quality results on your woodworking projects.

Bench Dog Planes: The Ultimate Tool for a Perfect Finish

Are you tired of using hand planes that don't give you the desired results? Well, Bench Dog Planes is here to solve your problem. These planes are the ultimate tool for achieving a perfect finish on your woodworking projects.

One of the unique features of Bench Dog Planes is their precision and accuracy. They are designed to be easily adjustable, allowing you to achieve the exact depth and angle you need for your project. This means you can create perfectly smooth surfaces, even on the most challenging wood types.

Another advantage of Bench Dog Planes is their durability. Made from high-quality materials, these planes will last you for years without needing any repairs or replacements. You won't have to worry about the blade getting dull quickly or the plane breaking apart during use.

When it comes to design, Bench Dog Planes are ergonomic and easy to handle. They have a comfortable grip that provides excellent control and reduces fatigue during extended use. This feature makes them ideal for professionals who work long hours on their projects.

Furthermore, Bench Dog Planes come in different sizes, making them suitable for various projects. Whether you're working on a large or small piece of wood, there's a Bench Dog Plane that will meet your needs. Their versatility makes them an excellent investment for any woodworker who wants to achieve a smooth, professional-looking finish.

If you're new to woodworking, Bench Dog Planes are an excellent tool to start with. They are easy to use, and the results are impressive. You won't have to worry about getting frustrated with your work or giving up halfway through a project. With Bench Dog Planes, you'll enjoy the process and be proud of the results.

One of the most significant advantages of Bench Dog Planes is their affordability. You might think that such high-quality tools would be expensive, but that's not the case. They are affordable and offer excellent value for money. You won't have to break the bank to invest in a Bench Dog Plane.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a tool that will make your woodworking projects easier and more enjoyable, Bench Dog Planes are the way to go. They are precise, durable, ergonomic, versatile, and affordable. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, these planes will help you achieve the perfect finish every time.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit our website today and get yourself a Bench Dog Plane. You won't regret it!

People Also Ask About Bench Dog Planes

What is a bench dog plane?

A bench dog plane is a type of hand plane that is designed to be used on a workbench. It is typically smaller than other hand planes and has a low-angle blade, which makes it ideal for working on end grain and other difficult-to-plane surfaces.

What are the benefits of using a bench dog plane?

There are several benefits to using a bench dog plane, including:

  • Smaller size allows for greater control and precision
  • Low-angle blade makes it easier to plane end grain and other difficult surfaces
  • Designed for use on a workbench, making it easy to secure your workpiece
  • Can be used for a variety of tasks, including smoothing, shaping, and trimming

How do you use a bench dog plane?

Using a bench dog plane is relatively simple. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Secure your workpiece to your workbench using bench dogs or clamps
  2. Adjust the depth of the blade on your bench dog plane
  3. Hold the plane with both hands and begin planing the surface of your workpiece
  4. Repeat until you have achieved the desired level of smoothness

What should I look for when buying a bench dog plane?

When buying a bench dog plane, there are several factors to consider:

  • The size and weight of the plane
  • The quality of the blade
  • The adjustability of the blade
  • The overall construction and durability of the plane

What are some popular brands of bench dog planes?

There are many different brands of bench dog planes available, but some of the most popular include:

  • Lie-Nielsen
  • Veritas
  • Stanley
  • WoodRiver
  • Anant